Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What I've Learned in JOU 1100

Photo Credit: Kyle Evans
This semester has been life changing for me to say the least.
It hasn't been since my photography class in high school that I have been so passionate about a subject.
I switched majors from interior design to persue journalism.
More specifically, photojournalism.

I have learned how difficult it is to work with other people who aren't as passionate as you are about a subject or just don't care at all. It's a shame, but such is life. We are all here at Seminole State College to explore our futures and expand our minds. Sometimes it takes switching majors to find out what you really love, like it did in my case.

I have also met some wonderful individuals whom I hope to remain in contact with. Who knows? Maybe we'll be colleagues one day!

I attempted to write a few stories and they weren't terrible, but I figured out that writing on a strict deadline is difficult.
After realizing this, I was able to switch to designing the issues and taking/editing photos. This is what I really love, but I am not going to give up on writing completely.

I learned the importance of social media and how it can make or break your career.
A quote to live by: "If you're going to be a journalist, you have to hustle." There are no room for slackers in this business.

You also have to be able to do all aspects of journalism now. You have to be able to write, edit, take photos, and produce.

That being said, going into the next semester I plan to create my own website to put myself out there. Maybe even a blog.

I feel as if I have been given the tools and knowledge to be successful, now it's up to me to make it happen.
After taking this class, I feel like I have not only grown as a journalist, but a person as well.

As far as grades are concerned, I feel I deserve an A for the effort I put in.

Thank you very much for a great semester and it was wonderful meeting you all.
-Ashley Crooke
Twitter: @AshCrooke

Monday, December 3, 2012

You Created a Journo-Monster!

Through high school and the beginning of my college career, I was positive that my writing skills were above average. I would become easily frustrated in group projects working with people that had yet to grasp basic grammar skills, and was constantly praised by instructors for my compositions. But through this semester in Journalism I, I have learned that there is constant room for improvement. I have gained some skills in interviewing and in writing in a non-narrative format, and after writing draft after draft for each article, I have seen where my writing can be improved.

One of the main lessons I learned through this course was the importance of social media in the journalism world. Through this class alone I have opened a Twitter account and have started following some big names in media, a Tumblr account for personal interviews and reviews of tattoo art and body modifications, and a new email to represent myself professionally to future employers. Social media are today's newspapers, and I am already honing the skills to become a writer for social media sites.

This course was not only a test of my abilities but of my interest in pursuing a career in journalism. Essentially, I have decided to continue on the journo. path and eventually write for a tattoo and body art magazine. Hopefully moving on to a feature writing course next semester, I am excited to learn more about journalism and write more and more on my blog.

Through my body of work this semester, in combination with my attendance, class participation, and my final portfolio, I believe I deserve a grade B. For my effort in preparing a minimum of 3 drafts for each article, my attempts to create a professional social media curuit surrounding my writing, and my class participation in designing and assisting, I see a B as a fair and fitting grade.

- Kimberley Lewis
Can I do this?

We are lives in progress.

Learning comes from doing.  Trying and ultimately failing.  We learn so much more from our mistakes than from our sucesses.  We fall down so often, the triumph comes from getting back up.

This class taught me that.  I learned to walk, not run.  I learned to  just walk away for a new perspective. I learned structure.  I learned what to put in and what to leave out. I learned how to edit, how to design and how to attribute.  I learned that I can do this.  I can become a journalist.

I am not perfect, do not want to be.  I will get better.  I will try harder.  I will be me.

I am a journalist.  Getting better every single day.

Thank you.

Michael Tennant

Photo A Day Challenge- Day 30: On the wall

xdanixwiebex: christmas lights, photo collage, two paintings I did, and an Andy Warhol Print

Photo A Day Challenge- Day 29: Big

xdanixwiebex: big holes in my shirt

xdanixwiebex: big pile of laundry

xdanixwiebex: big hickey