Thursday, November 15, 2012

Photo A Day Challenge- Day 15: In your bag

This is all of what is in my bag: The book I am currently reading, wallet, keys, beats headphones, charger, 2 packs of cigarettes, lip balms, mirror, USB,gum, eyeglasses, sunglasses, water bottle, aspirin, anxiety medicine, and loose change. 

Holiday Recipes: Paleo Diet

The Paleolithic Diet, also nicknamed the "paleo diet" or "caveman diet," is the newest diet trend to emerge. 
WebMD describes the Paleo Diet as a diet "based on the foods that could be hunted, fished, and gathered during the Paleolithic era -- meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, vegetables, roots, fruits, and berries."
Click the link below for more information:

If the thought of eating like a caveman intrigues you, try these recipes at your next holiday get together!


Kale with Cranberries
kale cranberry salad recipe gluten-free

Main Course:

Balsamic Roasted Turkey with Apple Stuffing 
balsamic roasted turkey with apple stuffing gluten-free dinner recipe

Side Dish:

Mashed Cauliflower with Herb Gravy

Mashed Cauliflower recipe:
Herb Gravy recipe: 


Granny Smith Apple Crisp
apple crisp with xylitol gluten-free recipe

*All recipes and photos courtesy of:*

These recipes are sure to please anyone following a Paleo Diet. Be sure to check out for great year round recipes as well!
Enjoy and Happy Holiday!
-Ashley Crooke
Twitter: @AshCrooke

Holiday Recipes for Vegans.

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, families may be in panic mode about what to fix for their holiday meal. More stress can be added if someone in the family has special dietary wishes/needs. 
The next few posts will be to help anyone finding themselves stuck not knowing what to make for their loved ones who have restricted diets. 
First, I will start with an all vegan menu.
Vegans are people who do not consume any meat or animal bi products(dairy, eggs, honey, etc). 
It is completely possible to make a vegan meal without compensating on flavor.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:


Picture of Crostini with Thyme-Roasted Tomatoes Recipe

Crostini with Thyme Roasted Tomatoes
Recipe and photo courtesy of:

Main course-

"Pot Roast" of Seitan, Aunt Gloria Style Served with Mushroom-Miso-Mustard Gravy
Vegetarian Thanksgiving
Seitan recipe:
Gravy recipe:
*NOTE: This gravy can be made vegan if you substitute butter for a non-dairy spread. Try Earth Balance!*

Recipes and photo courtesy of:

Side Dish-

Zucchini and Potato Bake
Zucchini and Potato Bake Recipe
Recipe and photo courtesy of:


Pumpkin Pecan Cheesecake

Pumpkin Pecan "Cheesecake"

Recipe and photo courtesy of: 

Hopefully these recipes have helped you get an idea of what Vegans eat around the holidays and possibly inspired you to try them as well. 
Good luck and Happy Holidays!
-Ashley Crooke
Twitter: @AshCrooke