Monday, November 4, 2013

Orevwa Haiti - Carissa May

“Orevwa” means “goodbye” in Haiti. I hate to be saying “orevwa Haiti” but we’re leaving this morning. I’ve really enjoyed Haiti a lot. Even though we came here to work, and even though we've done several work projects, this trip has felt like a vacation to me. While the four other team members may have hated the bumpy roads, and the smells and the tropical heat, I wasn't too bothered by it. It did feel a little uncomfortable at times, but nothing that I couldn't tolerate.

What did bother me was the fact that it was hard to take pictures from the back of a truck that had bars on all sides. It’s very hard to put the lens of your camera between the bars and focus on something when you’re going 30 to 40 miles per hour. There were so many things that would’ve made cool pictures. Even the rubble from Haiti’s earthquake in 2010, and the rustic metal gates, and the bizarre graffiti on the brick walls were all very picturesque. But we never had time to slow down, and when we did, it was only for a few brief seconds. So taking pictures has been a challenge, and the fact that my photo opportunities have been limited has been killing me. But the pictures I did get are pretty good and I can’t wait to share them when I get back home.
Well, our team is in the airport right now waiting to board our plane. I've had a great time in Haiti and I'd love to come back again. If for nothing else, then at least to visit with the kids at the orphanage. I'm going to miss them. Hopefully I can come back next year. 
Well, that's all folks. Orevwa Haiti :( 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Greetings from Haiti!: Day 7 - Carissa May

Today was the last full day in Haiti. We leave tomorrow morning. Today was also the last day to visit the orphanage...sadly.

This morning we had church with the people at the orphanage. I couldn't really understand much of what they were saying or singing because it was all in Creole, but it was interesting to watch and beautiful to hear. The only part I fully understood was the sermon my pastor gave. He gave it in English and we had a translator speak for him to the congregation.

After we had lunch we spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the kids. For a while, one little boy would not let me quit holding him and he eventually fell asleep in my arms. The youngest boys had fun fighting over my pastor's cowboy hat, especially one little boy who liked to wear it over his face. Later on, all the little girls of the orphanage had me and the two other girls on our team, Kelly and Becca, sit on the floor while they braided our hair. They gave up on braiding mine because they were too busy looking through the pictures on my camera. I took tons of pictures of course.

Now we're back at the guest house and some of us are packing for our flight home tomorrow. I'm reluctant to start packing. I'm really not ready to leave Haiti.