The third issue came out last night for the Seminole Scribe and collaborating quotes for this story was a walk in the jungle.
My outline and interview questions were all prepared on paper... but approaching students about the issues of Drunkorexia was a bit out of my comfort zone.
How would I go up to them and ask them if they drink? Rude much. I needed another method of approaching them and if I had to be a people watcher for the day, then so be it.
The day before draft two was due, I walked around campus eavesdropping on everyone's conversations. Luckily for me, everyone was talking about Spring Break so I walked up so some and simply just asked them, "so what are you doing for spring break this semester?"
Everyone's answers were so different... but also very innocent. No one said they were planning on drinking! Now I know that not all of the students here plan on not drinking during spring break.... that's just not normal. The story should've been about students not drinking during spring break instead.
On the verge of throwing this story in the nearest trash can, I walked into the student center and I could just tell by which "clicks" would be partying all week next week.
It was awesome. I collected so many potential quotes for my story but sifting out their vulgar use of language was making the quotes so meek.
Cutting it down to 3-4 quotes out of 7-8, I finally picked the ones that could relate to most students in Central Florida.
In order for my article to be a bit more serious because the name drunkorexia just tarnishes the tone, I interviewed the General Manager of the TheGoodDrugsGuide Ben Grodsky. He provided tips and facts on how to avoid drunkorexia and the harm it can cause to student bodies.
This article was a bit challenging for me because I personally do not drink, nor know anyone who does. So stepping out of my comfort zone and reaching out to bars, AA members, and partyers was like starting the first day of school.... nerve-racking and having the feeling of just wanting to go home.
-Sabira Mawji
-Editor of the Seminole Scribe Newspaper at Seminole State College.
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