Article 1
My financial aid story was based upon my own interest of the struggles students at Seminole State faced. I wondered if I was the only one. Apparently not. Hopefully Seminole State will look into this article and the difficulties that are put upon students trying to enroll for financial aid. There are a lot of gaping holes the school doesn't talk about with students to better prepare themselves.
As for my own personal struggles with the article? I am more of a writer, so in my opinion it's never enough. I had my professor cut at least half of what I wrote. At first I was a little offended, but I realized that it wasn't needed. People need facts. Not a drawn out story. Writing too much is going to be a little personal struggle. But I like the challenge. BRING IT.
Article 2
My article on International Students was also a personal one. I had family that were international students, and I had always wondered about the issues they faced and what made them feel comfortable at Seminole State. I had connections with a few of the students and a few I met in the office that I used in my article. The director of the international students department was a big help. She really made me think of things that I could do around the campus to help make students far away from home, feel welcomed. I ended up having a gathering at my house. We cooked BBQ, danced, played the WII, and so much more. Through this I made long lasting friends.
Again I wrote too much. But it's a working progress:)
Article 3
The bookstore article was quite informative. I realized how many students had issues with the bookstore and financial aid (Again with the financial aid issues? Some students use financial aid to pay for books). It was about how long students were waiting for their already purchased books to be delivered. Some were taking longer than a month to come in! That's a big deal when your teacher bases her lectures, quizzes and tests on the books for the class. My article apparently hit right at home. I received a "mouth full" from a few leading people on the board. But hey, my job is to get the facts and let my fellow student body know them. You better believe I stuck up for that right.
My interviews basically wrote my story. It was quite interesting.
Article 4
This article was more of a blog. It was Spring Break and my plans were elsewhere, so I received permission to do an article of my experiences. I really liked this form of writing. I felt like it came more natural for me. My goal was to let everyone know the hidden adventures of Ft. Lauderdale. It was a success! Perhaps maybe I should look into this form of work. Like a travel blog or something similar to that. This class is definitely showing me my skills exercising them too. It's a great challenge.
Article 5
This article was about scholarships. I feel like this is a hidden gem in Seminole State. Something not taken advantage of. I was completely surprised to find out that only 1 out of 15 people I talked with knew about the scholarships that were offered at the school. It raised questions for me like, why is the school not raising awareness about the scholarship programs that are available to them? What triggered me the most was that students don't have to be A and B students. Students can qualify for scholarships with even a C average! What an awesome advantage! I hope this article was informative for students. It was even an eye opener for me!
Article 6
So here we are. My final article, and my final semester. What a tear jerker! I think the biggest concern in this economy is finding a job after graduation. This is a HUGE issue not just for Seminole State students. So I thought it would be a bit clever to write an article on how to get a job and using resources like the career center to help out. I was stunned that a lot of the students on campus didn't really know we had a career center. TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE! You'll need it when you get thrown to the sharks! Hopefully his will be on the first page. Considering graduation is right around the corner, I think students could benefit from the information provided.
I thoroughly enjoyed Journalism class. Miss Sheppard was such a huge help, and she really cares about the success of her students. Making us have an online presence and helping with articles and resumes shows this and more. I am so thankful to of had her, and Seminole State would do well for themselves to keep a much needed professor like this on campus. I'll miss the deadlines, interviews, class gatherings, etc. It has been an awesome ride filled with sweet memories! :) Thanks Miss Sheppard!!!
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