Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Photo A Day Challenge- Day 28: Vehicle

My boyfriend's car and my car "holding hands" at school. (:

Photo A Day Challenge- Day 27: Tree


Photo A Day Challenge-Day 26: in the cupboard

xdanixwiebex: mac and cheese on deck.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Day trip to "The Oldest City in America": St. Augustine

 On November 17th, 2012, I took a trip to St. Augustine hoping to find some paranormal activity. Instead, I found a city full of old architecture and interesting things to look at.
Here is my journey through photos.
Church Gates

A collection of scrapers and scalpels

Anesthetics and gynelogical tools
The tower of The Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine

The last piece of Woolworth's you'll ever see
A canon at Castillo De San Marcos
A cloudy day outside of Castillo De San Marcos
The cast of Seinfeld stopped by Potter's Wax Museum
So did Watto, Anakin Skywalker, and Darth Vader
Jack Nicholson as The Joker was coming out of the wall.
All photos by Ashley Crooke



Photo A Day Challenge- Day 25: Sky


Photo A Day Challenge- Day 24: a sound you heard

xdanixwiebex: Straightening at work and these guys were making noise

dog snoring

Photo A Day Challenge- Day 23: Black

xdanixwiebex: black clothes as usual

Photo A Day Challenge- Day 22: Grateful

xdanixwiebex: My thanksgiving dinner with my family and friends

This is my dad's picture. He is grateful for my sister and me. But I took the liberty to crop myself out (:

Photo A Day Challenge- Day 21: What you wore

xdanixwiebex: this is a reenactment of what i wore. Black tank top, black yoga pants, black hoodie, and black moccasins. 

Photo A Day Challenge- Day 20: Work/Play

xdanixwiebex: my play time before work

xdanixwiebex: on break at work.