Friday, September 13, 2013

"What I learned" - Sean Doty

There are three important things I learned while trying to complete this first article for The Scribe:

1. Deadlines are extremely important. They cannot be taken likely, so it is extremely important to manage your time. Especially if you are working within the world of media.

2. Sources can make or break your article. It should go without saying to do the research on your article, but also the people that you interview along the way. Depending on what your article is and who you interview as your "professional" source(s), they can either make your article into an even bigger story or just nullify it completely. If you are not the best of writers "on the fly", then it's recommended to buy a voice recorder (which I will be doing this weekend). It is also important to know the difference between quality sources and the quantity of your sources.

3. Press writing and creative writing are two very different things. It is important that you write an interesting article that will keep your readers eyes glued to your piece, but it is also important that you do not prolong paragraphs or use certain sentence structures that might steer off your readers. Sometimes simplicity is the best option.

There are a plethora of other things that I have learned during this process, but in my opinion these are the most important that I have learned thus far. With that said, it's been a great and challenging start to this semester and I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year brings!

- Sean D.

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